Looking back to what I’ve learned
Our preliminary meetings on our English 22: Preparation of Instructional Materials class have been so worthwhile with full of learning. Two reporters who were tasked to discuss about their assigned topics have made the class more enjoyable while maintaining the student-centered approach of teaching and learning process. It has been a wonderful head start to the class and we look forward for more meaningful classes we’ll be having. On our first week of class, Mr. Carbon discussed with us about ASSESSING NEEDS AND INSTRUCTIONAL GOALS . I was even asked about what the topic is in my own opinion and so I said that it’s all about gathering vital data necessary to determine what the learners needs and shall do during instruction. Then, the best part of the report, which I have had great interest to learn from, was about particular information to be gathered. This information includes learners’ academic achievement, interest and preferences, personal history, medical background, social ...